In a world, organization or team in turmoil there is only one way out: dialogue. Not discussing a compromise, negotiating a business deal or persuading reluctant employees, but a real dialogue, that brings us back together. Why do we normally find that so difficult? Because we want to avoid confrontations, or maybe even more because listening is so difficult. We want to talk, express ourselves, and at the same time we want to be heard; an incompatible combination. Under stress it gets even worse: we disconnect and turn inside ourselves.
In this book Floor de Ruiter ‘de-constructs’ true dialogue and puts the pieces back together in a practical tool for common understanding. He offers useful tips to translate this into basic communication, into team dialogues, into leadership, into customer- and service dialogues, into new forms of local government and into new ways of teaching. For those who have to facilitate and coach teams and organizations he carefully explains the process of facilitating dialogue. In this way dialogue helps you out in the most difficult situations. ‘Driven by Dialogue’ is also a clear application of the ‘Spiral Dynamics’- and U-theory on communication.
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